It's Been A While ...

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here, for various reasons irrelevant now. But the thing is that I’ve decided to hit the restart button - begin afresh. Not for any particular reason other than the resurgent desire to continue to capture the goings-on in my life in some form: stories, photos, videos, essays, travelogues, come what may. First and foremost for myself, but certainly also for anyone who may be interested.

This ‘Blog’ section of my site will continue to host longer posts about reasonably significant events and activities, including photo/video summaries or collections, while the ‘Today’ section will be home to random, daily highlights and images of anything that happens in “a day in the life”, meaningful or mundane.

Because of the backlog of my most recent hiatus, I’ll be posting consecutive entries in a batch that may encompass the last couple of years of my absence up to when I get caught up. So, the dates on these posts may be current, but the events may have occurred more distantly in the recent past. I’ll indicate accordingly.

So, here goes. I’m confident this time I’ll be around for a while.