[31 March - 4 April, 2022]
First flight since the start of the pandemic (over 2 years since the last one!) was in late March/early April to Los Angeles, CA to visit with old friends. Of course, there was lots of eating!
my digital lifestream ... unfettered
[31 March - 4 April, 2022]
First flight since the start of the pandemic (over 2 years since the last one!) was in late March/early April to Los Angeles, CA to visit with old friends. Of course, there was lots of eating!
This has been on my house 'to do' list since the end of construction in late 2013. It was a simple concept for an address (house number) pillar to be located at the bottom of the driveway, based on the original house aesthetic (see exterior cladding detail on right photo). However, for some reason, it kept going down the priority list for almost 5 years, including the 2+ years that I worked and lived in Canada. It took a casual conversation over lunch after gym that I had with my good friend, Brad, that finally moved this project from 'to do' to 'done'! And one thing about Brad - when he gets his mind on something, it gets done! It wasn't a few hours after we talked that I get a text later that day that Brad had already gone to Home Depot and purchased all the materials we needed to build this thing. Drawings sketched on loose graphing paper were approved and now formed the specs for this espresso-stained, cedar-clad, double-post framed pillar, legs set in concrete 36" below ground, that would display my Richard Neutra-designed modern house numbers.
And so, over a period of 7 days the week before Easter, with Brad's help (and thus, the reason for this), my concept for an address pillar that is basically a "mini me" of the house, became reality. Immediately upon completion and just after the stain has barely dried, this year's infamous April Fool's snow that came on Easter evening gave it a late winter snowfall makeover that bestowed the thing a surprisingly ethereal and established look. This past weekend, I finally had some more time to do a bit of landscaping around it - Kar Foerster feather reed grass, a dwarf Western red cedar, some wooly thyme and blue star creeper for ground cover, and a couple of really heavy rocks gathered from around the property. I'm still looking to add some landscaping pebbles around the base and the plants, and that may come later in the summer, once that ground cover takes better shape.
Enjoy below a photo gallery of this project, from start to finish.