
Feeding the Brain

There’s a limitless supply of both relevant and mindless “information” out there, whether in digital or print form, and whether we seek it, or is presented deliberately to catch our eyeballs. It is challenging to be discerning these days when it comes to actually useful and edifying knowledge, but luckily, with a little effort, we can curate a collection of content in a variety of forms that can be both.

Having had e-books on the iPad for a while, I have gone back to old-school print books borrowed from another old-school source: the local public library. Here’s what I’m reading right now —

Here are the other library-borrowed books I have read so far this year —

I also listen to Overcast every time I get in the car, and here is a list of podcasts that I keep current at this time.

I also have a long list of YouTube subscriptions, but that’s mostly for mindless stuff - travel, food, music, photography, architecture, and general knowledge vlogs. A few empty calories here and there can’t hurt.

Brain food … mmm, almost as good as a Michelin-star dining experience.