Modern Design

Christmas Trees Are Up!

It’s that time of year - Christmas trees went up the day after Thanksgiving!

Christmas Trees Are Up

[20 November, 2022]

Among this past weekend’s tasks was setting up the Christmas trees (from The Modern Christmas Tree). Three years in a row now that they’ve gone up before Thanksgiving.

Setting up the Classic 8-ft

Setting up the tabletop 3-ft Jubilee.

Another K BBQ Weekend

Another Korean BBQ this past weekend, this time, with Jeremy, who, back in his JBAD days, was part of the awesome design team that worked on my house. He and his wife also brought over everything needed for an evening’s worth of old-fashioneds.

Address Pillar, Revisited

I can’t believe it’s been over 4 years since I worked on this Address Pillar project. The thing is looking a little tired and now needs a makeover. So today, a 2-coat re-staining was in order. Here are a few before and after pictures.

Next year, I’ll need to spruce up the plants around the base and add a little more color.